Ensure the uniqueness and availability of your chosen company name
Estimate and plan your expenses effectively using our Cost Calculator tool
Explore and choose business activities for your trade license
Stay informed on topics related to your business
Gain insights into successful business stories
Essential features for new businesses
Optimize your business’ financial strategies
Receive dedicated support and assistance
Exclusive business spaces and facilities
Navigate residency requirements effortlessly
The pinnacle of personalised business support
Enhance your online presence and sales
Courses to guide you through navigating our portal
Access a dedicated portal for Channel Partners
Find answers to common queries
Navigate the regulatory landscape effortlessly
Stay updated on the latest announcements
Stay updated on the latest news and updates
Business Card Starter service provides a business card including company logo, unique phone number, email addresses etc.
A business card is a tool used for communication, networking, and to present business information professionally.
This service business card with the following:
Application Fees
Submit payment and application to avail this service.
Meydan will contact you to assist with opening bank account.
Receive meeting date to get assistance on opening bank account
No. of days
Choose how can we best assist you.
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