How To Get Your Customs Code In Dubai, UAE

Melson Lewis

Melson Lewis

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As one of the world’s most important logistics hubs, the United Arab Emirates is a fantastic place to launch an import-export business. Indeed, the country has been recognised as having the world’s most advanced and efficient customs procedures, making the business highly efficient for any firm.

From Dubai’s international airports through to its seaport and its land transport links, everything is set up to make importing and exporting goods from the emirate extremely easy. Dubai, and the UAE as a whole, also benefit from its strategic location at the crossroads of international trade between Europe, Africa and Asia. There are few better places on Earth to trade from!

You will need a Dubai customs code if your company wants to import or export goods through Dubai. Given how to trade-friendly the emirate is, it’s no surprise that getting a customs code is generally a straightforward process. In this article, you will learn what a Dubai customs code is, what you need to do to apply for one, and how much a customs code for Dubai will cost.

Obtaining a customs client code in Dubai brings many benefits, including:

  • Freedom [AS1] To Import And Export Goods Legally
  • A Speedy And Efficient Customs Clearance Process
  • Means You Avoid Any Potential Legal Risks Or Government Fines

Apply for your customs code via or 800FZ1.

What Is A Customs Client Code In Dubai?

If you want to import or export goods to Dubai from the rest of the world, it is a legal requirement for you to have a Dubai customs client code.

A Dubai customs client code gives your company approval for importing or exporting goods to and from Dubai. If you want to run any import or export business from the emirate, you must register with Dubai Customs. Once your application is complete, you will be approved and given a Dubai customs client code. You then use this code on paperwork when importing or exporting goods from the emirate.

Every company receives a unique customs code valid until its business license expires. The Dubai customs code must then be renewed every 12 months.

How to get your customs code in Dubai, UAE

Is A Customs Client Code Required In The UAE?

It is mandatory to have a customs client code if you wish to import or export goods from the UAE, and it is illegal to import or export goods without such a code. Depending on which emirate your business is based in, you must apply for the customs code from that emirate’s customs authority. If your business is registered in Dubai, you must get the customs code from Dubai Customs.

You don’t need to apply for a Dubai customs code if you are just a private individual bringing over your goods to the country or buying products from abroad. You only need a Dubai customs code if you are a business that either plans to sell products imported from abroad into the local market or export goods to other countries.

Besides getting the customs code, you must also ensure that any goods you import comply with national laws.

There are several types of goods which it is illegal to import into Dubai, including:

  • Illegal narcotics
  • Pirated content
  • Counterfeit currency
  • Gambling machines and related gambling paraphernalia
  • Publications or artwork that contradicts Islamic teachings

There are also various restrictions on importing animals, foods, medication, vehicles and weaponry. You must inform yourself about what you can and cannot import into the country.

Apply for your customs code via or 800FZ1.

Documents Required To Apply For A Customs Client Code In Dubai

If you wish to apply for a customs client code for Dubai, you must submit an application through the Dubai trade portal website which can be found at the following link:

To apply for the Dubai customs code, you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • Valid trade licence. If you do not yet have a valid trade licence in Dubai, you must first apply for one and receive approval. At Meydan Free Zone, we can help you with every step of applying for a Dubai trade licence.
  • A copy of your passport, as well as any of your business partners’ passports.
  • An undertaking letter. [AS2]

Apply for your customs code via or 800FZ1.

Cost Of Customs Client Code

Meydan Free Zone helps its clients to obtain the customs code at AED 525. The fee is renewable at AED 525 each year. Clients can apply using Meydan Plus services.

Three Steps To Obtain A Customs Code In Dubai

As a country that has been recognised for having the most efficient customs procedures in the world, it is unsurprising just how straightforward the process of obtaining a customs code in Dubai can be. The process is smooth and rarely takes longer than a couple of working days to complete. Here is how to obtain a customs code in Dubai:

1. Begin Application

Go to where you can complete your application for a customs code. As part of the application process, you will need to provide the following documentation within the portal:

  • A copy of your trade licence
  • A copy of your passport
  • Your phone number
  • Make a payment of AED 525 as part of the application fee

2. Register On The Dubai Trade Portal

After you have initially registered, they will send you an email confirmation and you can then confirm your account and log in with your username and password. Within the portal you must click on the Mirsal 2 link and then choose new business registration link. On this page, you will have to provide the following information:

  • Details about your business
  • Information about your facilities and warehouse
  • A profile for the different users
  • Submitting various documents
  • Filling in Mirsal information
  • Completing the registration process

3. Receiving Your Customs Code

The final step of the process after you have registered is to wait for your new business code to be generated. This typically takes little more than a couple of working days, and you will then be able to begin importing and exporting goods into Dubai. You include your customs code on any paperwork.

Why Work With Meydan Free Zone?

As the steps outlined above show, the actual process of applying for a Dubai customs code is relatively straightforward and requires little expertise. Nevertheless, working with Meydan Free Zone can be really beneficial. When you choose to base your imports-exports business in our free zone, you will experience several benefits:

  • Tailored advice about how to fill in your customs code application form
  • Advice on related issues (such as how to find a warehouse or using logistics partners)
  • Support with all processes and any necessary introductions
  • Guidance on which information to provide
  • Basing yourself in the free zone means you will have a business address which is vital part of the application process
  • Benefit from our location which is in close physical proximity to Dubai’s international airport, the emirate’s port and other logistics hubs

To find out more, visit our website, or get in touch with us via or 800FZ1.

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